Saturday, January 27, 2007

WWE back on top

Came across some disturbing information this week which confirms my worst fears that the WWE is once again on the rise in terms of popularity. I guess the old adage about not being able to keep a good thing down also applies to a bad thing. Shakespeare, Beethoven, Vince McMahon? Now isn't that special. Is this the best our society can offer in mass entertainment? Has the creative well run that dry? Oh how the mighty have fallen.

S.O.S. Steve Jobs. You've given us the ipod and Pixar, but we need more. If left to our own devices we'll slide right back to our old intellectually unwashed ways. You've got to have something left in that genius brain of yours that will keep us preoccupied and save us from our own worst enemy. Ourselves. We can't be left alone or trusted. We can be so convincing and sound so sincere but don't believe it for a minute. The moment you turn your back we'll be playing with the cultural lighter. History is littered with so many examples like American Gladiator, Joanie Loves Chachi and Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes. We couldn't be content to sit back and wait for (Insert Title Here) 3 to come out. We just don't have the self discipline. You owes us. We've made you rich beyond your wildest dreams and the time has come to give back. In case you need a little more incentive rumor has it that Bill and Vince are getting pretty chummy. Be warned the natives are getting restless.

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